A cocktail is an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink that consists of two or more ingredients. However, this does not mean that you can simply pour all the ingredients randomly into a glass and get an exquisite drink. The fact is that liqueurs, fruit juices, strong alcohol and other liquids have density, taste and other characteristics. Some cocktails are simple and contain only two liquids, while others are more complex and include a base liquor, several juices, various spices and garnishes. Cocktails come in a wide variety of flavors from sour too sweet to bitter, spicy, etc. and are often served at the beginning of the meal with appetizers. One of the features of mocktails is the ease and variety in making its types. Cocktails are divided into different groups based on the base alcohol (vodka, gin, whiskey, tequila, brandy, rum, etc.). Sling, margarita, spritz, high ball, daiquiri, flip, julep, sidecar and martini are the most famous types of cocktails.
Cocktail ingredients are divided into three categories:
- Base – strong spirits such as vodka, whiskey, rum, brandy, etc.
- Modifier – a drink that dilutes the base and reduces the strength of the whole composition, gives the desired taste and aroma to the bouquet. For example, vermouth, wine, fruit juice, in some cocktails – egg yolk and / or protein, cream.
- Flavors- A substance that adds additional ingredients to a cocktail and/or changes its color, such as bitters, grenadine syrup, etc.
Some examples of alcoholic cocktails are mentioned below:
In the authentic version, it is mentioned that it is prepared from fresh mint and lime. As an alcoholic base, quality rum is added and the ingredients are sprinkled with spirits and crushed ice. The amount of sugar is determined by the taste settings, the amount varies from one to two tablespoons.
Pina colada
“Pina colada” has a mild and aromatic taste. Used in the authentic version it is mentioned that the coconut milk can be replaced with Malibu coconut liquor and the cooled analyzed water is pressed into it. Before serving, decorate with a piece of pineapple, cherry and chopped cake if desired.
Many famous users recommend mixing 7 parts of tequila, 4 parts of orange liqueur and 3 parts of lemon juice. However, the ratio of components 2:1:2 is considered valid. It is recommended to use a little salt in this drink.
Sweet alcohol cocktail
This type of cocktail has a significant audience. Such drinks are prepared based on milk with the addition of fruit or berry pulp and alcohol. Some of them have a pleasant caramel flavor, in which it is allowed to use brandy or whiskey.
What is a Mocktail?
If a cocktail does not contain alcohol, it is usually called a “mocktail” or “non-alcoholic cocktail”. In the heat of summer, alcoholics prefer to drink cocktails to quench their thirst, while non-alcoholics prefer drinks such as mocktails or mojitos. Therefore, the taste of cocktails and mocktails is very different.
The common ingredients used in the preparation of this drink include various types of juice, soft drinks, carbonated water and many other non-alcoholic substances that are mixed with each other in appropriate proportions.
Some examples of mocktails are:
Mango Mule
Citrus Fizz
Virgin Cucumber Gimlet
Shirley Ginger
Hot Apple Cider
The difference between a Cocktail and a Mocktail
Cocktails and mocktails are both popular drinks around the world that look quite similar at first glance, so people often confuse them. The most important differences between cocktail and mocktail are:
- Cocktails are alcoholic drinks that are not easy to make due to the precise proportions of ingredients, but mocktails are non-alcoholic drinks that are made from a mixture of different fruits, soft drinks, cold tea, etc., and they are very easy to make.
- In the preparation of cocktails, alcohol is used as one of the main components, while mocktails are non-alcoholic and very healthy.
- The taste of cocktails is usually bitter or sour, and mocktails often have a sweet taste.
- Cocktails are relatively expensive drinks while mocktails are reasonably priced.
- Cocktails have an age limit for consumption due to the presence of alcohol, but there is no age limit for drinking mocktails.